Saturday, 12 May 2012

Day 2 of the Kids Art Blog

Okay so Day 2 on the Kids Art Blog, and I have acheived alot on it, if I do say so myself. Even if the fish tank did spring a leak and ruin my photos and documents, that were stored in the buffet and hutch that the fish tank is sitting on ... grrrrrr.

After the first initial blog, I published it, and went "live", as I wanted to see how the Kids Art News blog would appear to everybody else. Since then, I have managed to
  • Change the background colour on the blog. I am not 100% happy with this, i want to make it more like the background colour on the website. Stay tuned, hopefully by the time you read this 2nd blog, the background has changed.

  • Add the Kids Art header, the same as the one on the website

  • Add a search tool up the top right hand side

  • Add my Kids Art logo, and a little information about Kids Art

  • Add a picture of myself, so my readers and Kids Art customers can see "me"

  • Added the network blog, not real sure what that does, but seems to let people join my blog (note that only I have joined so far)

  • Added the Kids Art facebook news feed to the Blog. whew hew, pretty impressed with myself for managing that one

  • Added the Page Views, so I can see how many times the page has been viewed. When I went to bed last night it was at 2, currently it is at 58. pretty cool

  • The thing I am most pleased with is, adding the Pages navigation bar at the top of the blog. It makes it feel more like a website and so therefore should be easy to navigate around.

Now I just need to add a few more posts, and then work out how to set up categories and labels, so that the posts themselves will be easy to navigate and find.

I am going to post this blog as I am still really in test mode, and want to see whether once published in Blogger if it updates onto the Kids Art facebook page automatically. Fingers crossed xxxx.

Then I need to work out how to get my Mail Chimp onto the blog. I think I will leave that until next weekend. The sun is shining outside and its a cracker day, boys due home soon, so I need to get sorted.

Then set up one day a week, where I blog.

Cheers Chantelle


  1. I am sooooo impressed with this. Well flipping done girl! Hx

    1. OMG I know, it looks really cool, I have really suprised myself at how quick and easy it was to get it to this stage. I should have done this ages ago. There is so much I could of been on here talking about. I am going to have to blogs on all the sketches and the finsihed products.
