Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Hand Painted Fathers Day Gifts

Here at Kids Art Central we love art and we particularly have a passion for Kid's Artwork.  We love to encourage and inspire our own kids to explore their creative natures and that means you actually have to bite the bullet and let them make a mess.  Control freaks beware.  This could cause you massive anxiety, but never fear I have some great tips to keep things simple and minimize the crazy mess of ...........................

THE DREADED PAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kids decided this year that they wanted to paint some artwork for their dad for father's day.  My kids are older now so paints are not as scary as they used to be.  

So I went straight to pinterest to get some inspiration and found a collage of small painted square canvases.  I spoke to the kids and suggested that they paint portraits of our family on some canvas.  Miss 8 decided she would like to do this and Mr 6 decided that he wanted to paint things that dad might like, for example a caravan and a boat etc.

And so the process beigns.  You need to have an organised set up.  I have a couple of plastic party table cloths left over from birthday parties.  Each year I throw out the old ones and replace them so that it keeps them relatively fresh.  These are very important.  They are water resistant so you won't end up with loads of soggy newspaper.  They are huge and cover a dining room table as well which I love.

Secondly you need to get yourself to your local $2 shop and here you will find everything you need.  Here on the Sunshine Coast we have Crazy Clarkes and King Kong and these are both great sources for art supplies. 

Here I stock up on $6.00 packets of small tubes of acrylic paints and these are great!  They also come in a huge variety of colours and are very cheap and easy to clean up.

You also need a good range of brushes, sponges and paint pans and a nice sturdy container for water.  If it is not sturdy with a wide base, it will most definitely get knocked over.

The most important item for this project was small canvases.  I purchased a set of four 15 by 15cm canvases for $6.00 at Crazy Clarkes!  I seriously love these stores.  All that was left to do was create a master piece and that is just what they did!  LOL! If they do say so themselves!!!!  There is no shortage of confidence in this house.

I nearly forgot the most important thing.  An old shirt or paint smock for painting in!  This is one of the most important items to have in your paint box.  When finished I make them clean everything up and it gets packed away back in the paint box, ready for the next time they want to paint.

I will admit that when the kids were younger it did take a bit more effort from me, however a paint shirt, an easel, some crayola poster paints and some sealable paint pots, made it all possible.  Oh and a portable clothes airer is really helpful as well for hanging the finished paintings on to dry.

We will package these up and then I am sure like every other father's day gift that has been presented since kindy days, it will have pride of place on the wall on his side of the bed!!!

Next week we will have some very cute new designs to share with you all and don't forget to subscribe to our monthly Kids Art newsletter.  On the first of each month we share new products and designs and we also off some exclusive discount codes that ban be used in our online store.  So subcribe today to ensure that you don't miss out!

Have a great week everyone and I will be sure to get some pics of the kids father's day art hanging on the wall!

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